They Say Life Starts at...

Hello to my customary birthday post!

The past years have been blogs about what I've learned, my plans for the future, and whatever pretentious concept I had in mind to "mark" a new age. 

Not this year.

I'm posting this for what it is - a marker. 

Just good fun with friends. :)

Had lunch with two of my closest friends at Soledad. They didn't have my favourite (salted egg potato chips) but we opted for Calamares instead, pizza, and some chicken wings (which I didn't taste but apparently it was over-flavoured).

Photos with my bestie 'cause we besties. She also got me a cake size and flavour relative to my tolerance for sweets, haha. :) Thank you!
Karaoke has always been a go-to to release stress and so Bem suggested we add "Blackbox" to our plans. So glad we did! I had too much fun. Honestly one of the longest (but easiest) days I've had in years. 

So yeah, nothing extra special or out-of-town trip for me, but it was a good day in general. :) 

Thanks to my friends who stayed overnight with me! The night ended young (like, 2am?) but I'm still very grateful for the time you all spent with me! These kind of things matter more than any material gift you could've given so thank you! 

Love you all!

Quick post. Written quickly. 'Kay, bye.