It's Christmas, and Everyone's Quiet

Well, this is... awkward?

For years during Christmas, I've been used to noisy neighbors, paputok everywhere even if it's not the new year yet, and generally just a lot of people being loud.

I don't know if this has something to do with the pandemic (which is most likely), but it just feels off. 

Our Christmas eve was spent watching Netflix, chugging beer, eating Wasabi chips, roasted chicken, salad, and more. It was a typical day for us, excluding the "pigging out" part.

It was just way, waaaayyy too quiet.

Even my dad couldn't help but point it out while we were watching "Miss Americana" on Netflix together (what can I say, I got control of the TV today, haha).

Just finished writing in my Hobonichi, and I am way too excited to begin writing on my 2021 Hobo. So much more space to write down my thoughts and plans.

Speaking of plans, I have my own goals written down. Like I do almost every year, I start January by writing a post to myself a year later, then my goals for the new year. Will do that on January 1, 2021.

I don't know why I decided to randomly post a blog today, but it's just me trying to get my thoughts together. 

Plans have been swirling in my head as well as tasks I still need to do for work (and get ready for when we come back next year).


I think this post is already too long for Christmas. 

Most of what I want to say can be reserved for my new year post, so we'll leave this as is for now.

Merry Christmas and I hope everyone's having a great time despite the pandemic! 

This nightmare of a year is almost over!