How Has the Coronavirus Affected Your Relationship?

Out of the many things that have come from the Coronavirus pandemic, there's one that hits close to home - relationships.

For couples who live together, they've been thrown to "bear with each other" 24/7, with no escape for work or social lives.

On the other hand, it's had the complete opposite on other couples, forcing them to have a long-distance relationship where there have been months in-between visits or very little physical contact, if at all. Both of these situations can place huge amounts of pressure on a relationship.

Let's have a look at how to identify and deal with some of the seismic shifts that the pandemic may have done to your relationship and how to get back to a more even keel as the world begins to return to normal.

You've spent too much time together

While having the opportunity to spend quality time together sounds ideal, living in each other’s pockets for months on end with nowhere to go and no other people to talk to can be incredibly difficult. 

Traditionally, divorce lawyers are at their busiest after Christmas and summer vacations when couples have spent more time together than normal. 

Imagine what it's like after six-month-long lockdowns! Spending too much time together can cause couples to argue and bicker and what may be relatively minor issues can seem huge when there is no escape.

How to deal with it: Make sure each person is getting some time to themselves, whether that is escaping to the bedroom for a couple of hours watching a movie while the other looks after the kids downstairs or for one to go for a long walk by themselves. A little bit of time and space can do wonders.

Lack of adult time

Many children have been off school for months this year, and even though many are back in school now, they may have to isolate if in contact with COVID-infected people or be affected by school closures. This can mean a lack of adult time - no chance to have sex without children in the house or have private conversations. This can be stressful and have an impact on a relationship, particularly if it goes on for a long time.

How to deal with it: If there's not enough time to get away, you may just need to get a little more creative or be prepared to go to sleep later/wake up earlier. If it's causing problems in the long term or making existing problems rear their head, you may want to consider getting in touch with sex therapists for professional advice.

Financial pressures

Lots of households are feeling the strain on their finances at the moment. Businesses are closing, people are being made redundant left, right and center and many workers are furloughed as their industry cannot work safely during the pandemic. This can put a squeeze on even the most secure of family finances, but if you were already living on the edge, it can be the tipping point. One of the most common causes of family arguments is over money, and it can cause huge amounts of stress.

How to deal with it: Sit down together and look at your income and expenses. When you have an idea of how much money you have coming in and how much is going out, you are in a better place to make a plan.