A Letter to End of 2024 Me

Hey Veeyah,

'Sup. Haha. I'm writing this during the first week of the year and I have no idea about what's to come. This year (like every other year) is filled with uncertainty and admittedly, fear. Honestly, I'm scared. I like to be prepared for things and the fact that anything can happen is bringing my anxiety over the roof.

Something about this year is really making me anxious. I don't know why. I guess the reason why I'm saying all these is because I'm hoping that by the end of the year, you've come to realize that there was no reason to be afraid and that everything worked out for good. I'm hoping that when you remember to read this post, you can think back on all the achievements you've made and all the goals you've reached.

Before anything else, I need to ask: Is your heart well? Is your soul fulfilled?

You've been through a lot in the last 3 years and my wish for 2024 is that it's a calm, peaceful, prosperous year. A year where you filter out who truly is good for your heart and mental health, the year where you decide what dreams are worth pursuing and which ones just drain you. 

I hope 2024 didn't drain your spirit. Or your passion. Or your love. I hope you were well taken care of by the people you've let into your life. I hope you were able to make new friends and grow the ones you currently have. I hope the people you invested time and effort in have done the same for you. I hope all the love you've put out has been reciprocated. 

I wonder - do you still overthink? Are you still scared of opening yourself up to people in fear that they would use it against you? Do you still let people have their way with you? Have you learned to defend yourself? Or have you completely shut down?

I used to have a list of things I hoped you would've accomplished by now, but right now, I can't think of anything. I just want you to be genuinely happy wherever you may be in life. I want you to feel fulfilled and not regretting the year that just passed by. If you came up with a goal mid-year, I hope you were able to do something about it.

I also hope you were able to travel a few times out of the country for sanity's sake. (We seriously need a change of scenery soon.) 

I hope you were able to stream

If there's one thing I hope you've become by the end of the year, it's to be happy. A full heart, sound mind, healthy body, and in a better place overall. 

Here's to hoping.