5-6/366: T is for Throwback and Tattoo

(Before you reprimand me for skipping a day, let me tell you - it was intentional [cough, cough]. We good? Thanks.)

There are two reasons I unified days five and six today, the first being this day marks my 6th month at Nueca (hooray) and second, I have a number of things to share with you that deserve to be crammed into one post (though this last reason was probably invalid to begin with).

But yes, SIX MONTHS, baby!

I feel like I deserve to go to Starbucks tonight and order a latte or something. Or maybe just buy something online (like a skull-shaped shot glass or a Baymax Bobblehead). Six months may not be much, but it marks something special. It marks an "almost-there-but-not-yet" checkpoint in my career and I'm just so happy to have found work near home.

To give you a little history (or if you'd rather read my post about it, click here), I spent a month in Manila, rented a condo, spent too much money, got slapped in the face by life, and still came out jobless at the end of 30 days. The only reason I came back to Naga was because I had applied at Nueca and got an email with my interview date. That only reason turned out to be everything.

I'm loving work, it's nothing short of a miracle that I ended up at Nueca. On that fateful day in the first week of July 2015, I knew this had to be it. My first job. My first step to the career I've always imagined myself having. Six months and I still like it. One can argue that the salary isn't the strongest point for my choice in workplace (I could be at Gameloft right now if I went through with it, haha), but it's a great feeling to be designing without a stuck-up boss hovering over your shoulder and demanding I meet unrealistic deadlines. I'd prefer that over a huge paycheck any day.

So yes, I'm officially 6 months old with a lot more months ahead. :)

T is for Throwback

While taking a break today, I found myself searching random places on Google maps (Street view). One of those places was Australia. Throwback on a Wednesday? Sure.

I'll be doing a video, talking through the places I went to while I lived in Berala, Sydney, Australia later in the week (perhaps earlier), but for now, here are some shots with a short description of each.

Jack and Jill Park (I think it was called that), the place that got me frustrated with my parents. Eight-year-old me had been wanting to play here after school and was always being promised that the next day or next week, I would. I got to play here though, so that was the end of an almost-fit.

Whenever mom had to stay late at work, me and my dad would buy Fish 'n' Chips (basically, one whole grilled chicken with potato fries on the side, wrapped in foil, fresh from the oven) for dinner. It makes me quite sad that the place is now only a memory, albeit a good one.

Finally, here is a photo of the flat we stayed at for two of the three years we stayed in Australia. We lived at the top floor, and that window was my room's. It was also where I would look out and sing like the Disney princess I always wanted to be, haha! I miss this place so much.

T is for Tattoo

Okay, beloved family and incredibly strict aunts, uncles, and grandparents - by tattoo, I meant temporary ones. I'm too much of a 'good girl' to actually get one, and it would make my O-Positive blood "un-donatable". So chill, family.

I've been looking at tattoo shops online which sell tattoos that would last from 1-2 weeks, and I'm fast falling in-love with a few of them. I've been debating with myself (for at least two months now) about which design and from what company, but the one I really want is too pricey. That's without shipping too.

I don't know, I'm not being selfish in wanting to get temporary tattoos, right? Right? I don't know. I already ordered a nose ring a few weeks back anyway. Why not?

You see, there was a purpose for the skipped day. Having too many good things in one post makes me feel really great inside. Although I'm sort of missing these places and experiences, it was worth the early throwback.

Is there a place you would want to revisit, even through Google maps? I promised beyond Google - I'm going back to this place, and I'm bringing my family back with me.



  1. So now you're a regular employee? CONGRATS!

    I liked your sketches and drawings, if that is your passion, go have fun! You may be earning less now, but in time, you'll be rich (and you can bring your parents to visit Australia).

    People are attracted to those who love their craft. I used to give talks and trainings for free, and people laugh at me. I said if you're enjoying something, you don't mind the time and money you spent. Soon, people are paying me for the same talk that I give for free, several years back.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I've wanted to talk about my craft too (or rather, hold workshops so I can share the little knowledge I have), but I don't know how to go around to it, haha. My parents are quite unsure about my earnings, since they believe I should be earning more, but I try to reassure them the same thing you're telling me. I think it's about getting as much experience as possible since this is my first job, then moving forward if that's what's in store. :)

  2. Congratulations on your 6th month at the work force. You did great! I remember my first job. I quit it after 3 weeks.. because im not happy with what im doing and the people around me. Remember that as long as you're happy, you're good! :)

    1. Thanks for the reminder! I've always believed that life shouldn't be centered on just "having a job" for the sake of, because life's too short to stay unhappy. :)

  3. Congrats on your 6 months at your work! It's everyone's dream to find a job they love. As people say, "find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life". You just proved that things do get better :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hey, thanks! ^__^ My wants are all over the place as of now. Is there a job where I can do EVERYTHING i want all at the same time? Haha. Thank you!

  4. A great post indeed!! I love all your photos! I'm planning to put some small tattoos on my body but I'll consult my parents about it.
    Thank you for sharing! xx

    l http://dorothytorretijo.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you! My parents are soo against me getting tattoos. Haha. I have designs ready in case I actually get one, but idk how soon i'll get to have them. Hopefully my parents find peace with me wanting some.

  5. I too want temporary tattoos, I too much of a chicken too actually get a real one! :)

    1. You're not alone though, :D hihi my parents are incredibly against me getting some tatts (temporary or real), but if they weren't so uptight about it, I'd have gotten one or two months ago. Haha. :)

  6. Congratulations! Having a job that you love is not a job at all, but an adventure :-)

  7. Congrats on your job, Veeyah! By the way, I always check your IG, your drawings/paintings are perfection. How I wish I have hands like yours! You're so blessed!

    1. Thank you so much! Wow, I feel so glad you like my work, hehe. We're all blessed in different ways. For now, yours is making me feel better today. Thank you!

  8. Congratulations on your 6th month at work! And good job in not compromising your passion over a huge paycheck :)

    1. Thank you! The pressure to earn a lot after graduation is STRONG, but passion must come first for me or I'll die young, haha.

  9. Congratulations! I remember how excited I am when I got regularized on my first job! We really celebrate all night! It's very nice that you got a job that allows you to show your passion

    1. Thanks! Hehe, I celebrated via blog post, as you can tell hahaha. Ang a slice or two of pizza.

  10. I am celebrating with you as well! I just became a regular employee on my 3rd company. Hahaha. Place to visit even on google? Ooohh. I remembered i checked Paris! And yung medyo feasible naman - Palawan. Hehehe. Congrats again!


    1. Hey, congratulations to you too! Haha. I am such a fan of Google Earth haha. Takes me places I want to go to, for free XD Thank you!

  11. All is well and everything feels very light and right if you love what you're doing. I'm glad to hear that you're liking your current work. Keep it up!


    1. Thank you so much! It does feel like everyday is always a fresh start. :) For the passion.

  12. My first tattoo I hid under a leather jacket for a month and a half before admitting I got one since we had been on a family vacation! Kudos on the sixth months

    1. Thank you! Hahaha, I won't be able to hide my tatt tho, since I mostly wear t-shirts and roll up my sleeves coz it's hot when i'm wearing long sleeves. Haha. My parents would freak out sooo much if i got one behind their back.

  13. Sometimes, we found a place we think we deserved. But life will just turn things around and will give you better opportunities and places that you couldn't ever imagine. Maybe your past work has a life lesson that you need to extract that molded you into what or where you are right now. The right attitude after all is to be thankful for all the blessings that came and will come in the future :)

    Nurse Alpha

    1. Hey, thanks. This is my first job, so I'm looking forward to building experiences here for my next one. Having the right attitude WILL take you places, agreed.
