Stepping Up

So, how did your day go?
Mine, you ask?
Oh, it was the usual, except, I was the unusual one.
Why, you ask?
Because I'm stepping it up.

Since 2014 began, "change" has been playing on my mind, and by change, I mean a total overhaul. Think: the "used-to's" are done away with, and the "I'm-shy-so-I'll-stay-quiet-in-a-corner" are blown off.

I think it's time to step up my game and actually exert effort. Mediocrity played a part in my previous year, and I have no plans of extending its welcome. Look where it's got me! I'm still along mediocre lines!

I want to be proud of at least one major thing this year. Not just for myself, but for my family and for the various social groups I represent, especially my university. I want to be able to look back and see this year as the best among the previous five years. Why? It's because I'm tired of being lukewarm.

I want to ignite the inner catalyst in me. I want to represent the youth of today and stand up for what I believe in. I want to move the people around me. I yearn for change.

So today, I'm making all the choices I would have backed out from last 2013. I'm finally bold enough to reach for what I want, and what I think will make me a better person. I've targeted two events this half of the year that I want to become involved in: the ASEAN Youth Congress 2014, and the Ateneo LeaderShape Program. The former goal might be a little too far ahead, but I've communicated with people I think I should tap and am just waiting for a response. The latter, I've already acted on. The application forms are printed out and ready to be submitted tomorrow.

Apart from those two, I've also put my mind into being an aggressive student and learner. I'm studying lessons in advance, especially for my major subjects that require more attention. Reciting more in class is also another of my few targets this school year.

Well, what do you make of that? Am I making it happen or what? Hahaha. Although none of them are assured, I'm placing my faith in God, who I know will make things happen for me if it is His plan. If these things are meant for me, then they'll be mine.

It's time to be reborn.